Videos tagged with 'Detroit'

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Pam Rodgers

Born in Detroit, Pam Rodgers returned to the city after her education to enjoy the prosperity of the auto industry. Against great odds, but with an unyielding passion to accomplish her goals, Pam acquired her own dealership in Woodhaven, changing the name to Rodgers Chevrolet.    Under her ownership Rodgers Chevrolet went from selling 40 cars a month, to [...]

Jocelyn Rainey

Jocelyn passionately believes that art is the true soul food of life. Hear how and why Jocelyn changed the course of her life from mowing lawns for the city to earning a masters degree in art education.  Her willful determination convinced inner city high school boys that art is cool, changing their lives with a [...]

Mike Stafford Part 3

Mike Stafford hosts a brief introduction to Cranbrook, one of our outstanding institutions.   Learn how Mike travels the state to share Cranbrook’s treasures with all Michigan residents. Having extraordinary citizens is an asset.  Having citizens who share their gifts as broadly as possible are valuable leaders in our community. Thank you Mike Stafford for tirelessly sharing with all [...]

Mike Stafford Part 2

Our Cranbrook Institute of Science is world renown. It’s a “must see” spot in our community and Mike Stafford keeps the information exchange on the cutting edge making sure the experience is truly memorable.  Check it out.    

Mike Stafford Part 1

Mike Stafford is passionate about archaeology and science, and his aim is to bring these subjects to life for everyone within his reach. His love for science and our past is so compelling; he sparks interest and wonder as soon as you meet him. So we are sharing Mike’s talents with you throughout the week [...]

Jay Lefkowitz

What makes great art? It is a vision that makes one stop and wonder: Wonder how it is possible for this image to capture the imagination in that moment of connection. With Jay Lefkowitz’s art, whether marble, watercolor, pen and ink, or metal, there is always a sense of joy that is a part of the [...]

RiverFront Play Structure

The cool kids in town meet up at the RiverFront Playground. 

Faye Nelson

  It seems like magic when you first see the enormous transformation of the RiverFront of Detroit. In reality it was the waving wand of Faye Nelson and her dedicated team that created one of Detroit’s most spectacular, engaging assets; our enchanting new RiverFront. The RiverFront in summertime feeds the imagination and joy of  the [...]

Linda Solomon

Linda Solomon’s passion is her “Pictures of Hope” project sponsored by Chevrolet. Providing homeless children with cameras and instruction, Linda gives these kids the tools to communicate honestly and artfully. She draws out their hopes and dreams and reading their responses will warm your heart. 

Julie Taubman

Arriving in Detroit in the mid-nineties Julie Taubman’s take on our community is quite profound. With a background and passion for history and architecture Julie was immediately struck by the stature of our city when perceived through its buildings. Albert Kahn left his mark along with Henry Ford; And the Rouge Plant led this country [...]

Penny Bailer

Penny Bailer and City Year are Detroit’s magic bullets targeting our young kids in trouble and placing them on the right track for productive lives. There are two Corps members for every child in trouble. The Corps instills companionship, concern and caring in these children. Everyday they demonstrate the values of learning, love, and giving back to the community. This [...]

Mark Arminski

Mark Arminski, a Detroit artist, first created his nationally recognized signature translating the 70′s – 80′s music scene from the inside out through his art. His art is an iconic representation of the times: the energy, the rebellion, the color that electrified a generation. His take on the psychedelic frenzy of the world of rock takes on [...]

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