Videos tagged with 'Mike Stafford'
Mike Stafford Part 3
Mike Stafford hosts a brief introduction to Cranbrook, one of our outstanding institutions. Learn how Mike travels the state to share Cranbrook’s treasures with all Michigan residents. Having extraordinary citizens is an asset. Having citizens who share their gifts as broadly as possible are valuable leaders in our community. Thank you Mike Stafford for tirelessly sharing with all [...]
Mike Stafford Part 2
Our Cranbrook Institute of Science is world renown. It’s a “must see” spot in our community and Mike Stafford keeps the information exchange on the cutting edge making sure the experience is truly memorable. Check it out.
Mike Stafford Part 1
Mike Stafford is passionate about archaeology and science, and his aim is to bring these subjects to life for everyone within his reach. His love for science and our past is so compelling; he sparks interest and wonder as soon as you meet him. So we are sharing Mike’s talents with you throughout the week [...]